Oracle of Consciousness

#111 - Sychronicity

In simple terms, synchronicity can be defined as: when our outer world, reflects something that's going on in our inner world.

As we grow our consciousness, we become acutely aware of random outer actions, activities, people, sounds, sights, etc., that are reflecting what is happening to us on the inside, at that very point in time.

Let me give you an example.

We may be struggling a little bit about how we can fly free and be an unencumbered sovereign, sentient being.

All of a sudden, a beautiful butterfly flies into our presence, it may be very close, or just a little distance away, but our attention is drawn to it.

We see it shining it’s beauty onto this world, gently fluttering its wings, effortlessly being a butterfly, knowing that at one stage, it was a caterpillar crawling along the ground.

There's the metaphor, the outer world has reflected what is going inside, reminding us that we too can climb out beyond the mire of the fear-based ego, fly free and radiate our love and beauty out into our world.

The Human Metamorphosis is well underway!

standing woman surrounded by yellow flower field during daytime

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

standing woman surrounded by yellow flower field during daytime

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

standing woman surrounded by yellow flower field during daytime

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

If you look for them, especially as you become more attuned to nature, more and more of these synchronicities will appear in your life.

Some may call them coincidences, but I prefer the more reflective label, synchronicity!

They are beautiful, profound, deep messages from nature or our outer world to ourselves, as to how everyone and everything are interconnected.

Keep an eye out for these, they will occur spontaneously.

Each time they happen, quietly acknowledge them to yourself, and be very grateful for the message.

They can be simple as - you're struggling with ceasing some mental concept and you're driving your car along the road, you come to a stop sign, which you've passed a thousand times, but this time you pull up at the white line and you consciously look up at the sign and it says STOP.

There's the message.

Stop your monkey mind's relentless chatter!

Now that's not necessarily from nature, but it's the outer world reflecting what needs to be done or validating what is happening on the inside.

stop signage

Photo by Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

Photo by Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

stop signage

Photo by Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

Photo by Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

stop signage

Photo by Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

Photo by Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

stop signage

Photo by Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

Photo by Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

Watch for these synchronicities.

They are wonderful signs that tell us we're on the right path.

That unexpected phone call as we think about someone, or just the 'right' people show up in our life at the exact time we need them, these too are synchronicities.

Nothing is separate, we are all interconnected.

Enjoy these synchronicities because they give us profound messages and insights into what's happening on the outside and the inside.

There is no separateness from either of these elements, as they merge into One.

“The soul that is us is like the hub of a wheel. We’re out here at the rim of the wheel where the spokes go outward, but I can travel to the hub, and when I do, I can enter the reality of other bodies who share the same soul…so can you if you tried”

 James Mahu,- Quantusum